Japanese-style abalone gratin

There are a lot of abalone dishes. We introduce Japanese-style abalone gratin in this time.


  • Abalone
  • Tiger prawn
  • Scallop
  • Lily roots
  • Shimeji-mushroom
  • Ginkgo
  • Kikurage ( cloud ear mushroom)
  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Flour
  • Rice grain


  • Japanese soup stock
  • Salt
  • Light color soy sauce
  • Sweet sake
  • Japanese Sake

How To Make

  1. Attach salt to the surface of the abalone, and rub it with a scrubbing brush.
  2. Push between the body and the shell of the abalone by the spatula and, remove the shell easily.
  3. Liver is removed , and the wash it.
  4. Cut the abalone on the dice of 1.5cm(0.6in).
  5. Boil the tiger prawn with salt.
  6. Remove the head and shell of tiger prawn, and cut to the size of about 2cm(0.8in).
  7. Remove the shell ligament of the scallops, and cut to the size of about 2 cm(0.8in).
  8. Boil the lily root with the salt.
  9. The ginkgo breaks a husk, and boil it in the salt.
  10. A shimeji-mushroom and a Kikurage ( cloud ear mushroom) cook with slightly rather deep the suiji.
  11. Kikurage cut into the long thin strips.
  12. Put the rice in the shell hole of the abalone、and plug the hole of the abalone.
  13. Put ③~⑪ into the abalone shell.
  14. Mix a Yuzu (aromatic citron) a little into TAMAMISO.
  15. Mix ⑭ a little into the white sauce.
  16. Pour ⑮ into ⑬ and bake in the oven until browned.


Mix 5 cup of Japanese soup stock, a little of salt, a little of Light color soy sauce, and simmer it.

Denngaku white bean paste

  1. Mix 4 kg(8.82 lb) of white miso , 1.44 kg (24 oz) of Japanese sake, 1.8 kg (24 oz) of sweet sake, 0.18k g (6.4 oz) of sugar, 20 egg yolk.
  2. It slowly by dissolve in Double boiler about cook over a low heat for one hour.

Dengaku white bean paste for percentage of home use

  1. Mix 400g(0.88lb) of white miso, 145ml(4.9oz) of Japanese sake, 180ml(6oz) of sweet sake(Mirin), 90g(3.1oz) of sugar, 2 egg yolk.
  2. It slowly by dissolve in Double boiler about cook over a low heat for one hour.
Each dengaku bean paste eggs also put together when you adjust the seasoning, please mix slowly.
When make many Dengaku miso, it can be keep in the refrigerator for Long times. In this case, please do not put moisture or water into the dengaku miso. If put moisture or water into the dengaku miso, dengaku miso will be decay.


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